What is Dmokrchat?
News organisations across the political spectrum prohibit comments on articles that do not fit their narratives. Dmokrchat was built to enable open discussion without any editorial bias.
How does Dmokrchat work?
When accessing a news article on your internet device and you are unable to comment using the site’s native comment system you hit the dmokrchat icon. This will then navigate you to a comments page on the Dmokrchat site with a link back to the original article. You may find a discussion already in progress.
You can then contribute to existing discourse using either a Facebook, Twitter, Google or Disqus account.
Dmokrchat will be initially enabled for:
BBC News
Mail Online
The Guardian
The Telegraph
Sky News
Huffington Post
The Independent
If you are using a news app rather than Safari then first open the page in Safari, then share to Dmokrchat.